There is one secret to being rich, you need to make money with your money. Rich people are not out working harder and making more money, they are letting their money make money for them. The way they do this is make wise investment decisions. Money can actually grow and thats what you need it to do. Here are some things you can do to make your money grow.
You have to start saving money. If you are not saving money and you spend every dime that you earn you could be in deep trouble. This is a bad habit to start and a hard habit to break, but at some point everyone needs to start building that nest egg so that they can retire happily and not depend on the government to foot the bill for retirement, unless campgrounds sound like nice vacations.
The first thing you can do is contribute to 401k. If you don't contribute start bumping up your contribution by 1% a month. I promise you won't even know the money is gone. Bump it to the max that your employer will match or 5% whichever is greater. Then you are saving 5% of your paycheck without even noticing. I promise this works, just try it out.
Next you need an emergency fund of at least $1000. The benefit of this is that if some unexpected expense comes up you won't have to sell investments that are making you money to pay liabilities that cost you money. The way I do this is I have an account with and have an automatic withdrawl of about 10% of my take home pay. I never notice the money is gone and my savings builds quickly.
I then recommend that you take some money and speculate with it. Speculating is so much fun and can make you loads of money. If you have an automatic withdrawl to a savings account once you get above $1000 you can speculate with the money if you have extra. The best thing I have found for this is Automated Forex Robots. They can make you a lot of money quickly with no work. - 31876
You have to start saving money. If you are not saving money and you spend every dime that you earn you could be in deep trouble. This is a bad habit to start and a hard habit to break, but at some point everyone needs to start building that nest egg so that they can retire happily and not depend on the government to foot the bill for retirement, unless campgrounds sound like nice vacations.
The first thing you can do is contribute to 401k. If you don't contribute start bumping up your contribution by 1% a month. I promise you won't even know the money is gone. Bump it to the max that your employer will match or 5% whichever is greater. Then you are saving 5% of your paycheck without even noticing. I promise this works, just try it out.
Next you need an emergency fund of at least $1000. The benefit of this is that if some unexpected expense comes up you won't have to sell investments that are making you money to pay liabilities that cost you money. The way I do this is I have an account with and have an automatic withdrawl of about 10% of my take home pay. I never notice the money is gone and my savings builds quickly.
I then recommend that you take some money and speculate with it. Speculating is so much fun and can make you loads of money. If you have an automatic withdrawl to a savings account once you get above $1000 you can speculate with the money if you have extra. The best thing I have found for this is Automated Forex Robots. They can make you a lot of money quickly with no work. - 31876
About the Author:
I have free information available to anybody who is interested in Automated Forex.